domingo, 3 de julio de 2011

Lingerie fashion show Singapore by Style

Im wearing: Vintage leather jacket

+ Camel H&M sweater+

+Topman pants+
+Handbag by Luxo+

Would you know who was the best girl in all night? here you got... my darling as always had all attention :O

and the best of the night!! Les affaires my darlings company

Asian Asian model

Sexy boom

The queen of ALL, look at these legs

When you're fell drunk jeje kidding

Love you bby thanks for all this amazing day and the rest also!!!! remeber friday party? jeje like a phuket whores so funny

2 comentarios:


wow! Im sure it was great!
Love your look! Nice jacket!


JBriggs dijo...

ty for the nice comment! this is a great collection of photos

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