martes, 14 de junio de 2011

thailand trip ( dirty photos )

Hello my friends, im went to thailand. so many things to do there. so many sex jeje there im was scared about it. but im love whores they are the best.

the thailand culture is amazing.

Me and my super fashion outfit. thailand is like 34 of hot wheater. im die so hot , Even im cant wearing shoes XD

Yeahhh ugly ducking my friend

safari day

my hotel so good. im always when back to hotel, need to using the spa. my legs die there

my room

thinking about my next trip jeje

Im super chayane jeje

the party is tonight. omg phuket is famous about nights. So many bars, sex clubs jeje Ladyguys

Thai food

Ujuuuuuuuuuuu my favorite whores in all thailand were them. OMG they moving so slow so tired so (L) beyond words


Im a little 15 boy :D

Yes im the boy that always hates sun jeje sorry im can live with sunny days

Yeah back of the one bby

My little readers im went to HK. so AMAZING my 3 favorite in all world. and is so CHEAP. soon you can see the photos. sorry about these photos not too cool but im love them. now im on singapore again. super exited about melissa's fashion show. bby im take to me a little present for you :$ jeje love you thanks to be with me every single time.

2 comentarios:

Someone dijo...

Omg! Wait a minute..!
Your age is 15? xO now I can't believe this.
Awesome photos =D and 34 is hot for you? how about comming to Egypt. =D

Violet E. dijo...

Just amazing pics!

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