sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011


into me
shit on the floor

Smille all the time
Power mind

Im wearing

-Leather jacket from me-

-Vintage band shirt-

-Levi's jeans-


so nothing happed this week just starting my classes. Right now im dont pay attention about nothing about anybody, even my classmates just like whatever.Im run all the time i mean when classes are over im the first one that is stand up and open the door get run back to home fast. Now Im just thinking about me and my best girl on all life Melissa (L) love you bby can't wait for us. And of course try to get A LOT money for buy my Prada shoes. Im need them like NOW. Im hope momy give me the money as always XD shes the best thanks momy. she loves read and see my blog so it's for her.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Want you jacket so bad!!!! and awesome creepers! <3


Violet E. dijo...

my dear!
you`re amazing <3

RA dijo...

so damn fabulous <3!!!

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