domingo, 21 de agosto de 2011

Come on and fucking play ( New Belt )

Some times and like the
Welcome home my new Hermes belt (L) Im recived him about 3 days ago im was on SHOCK

Just on time

Oh how can't stop love you

Im die die die

ohhhh beyond words
These girls ohh im so SICK too
LOve him When you take the train :D people like that
My new favorite movie Taxi driver

He's so MAD love that
Stop it
I want this Givenchy but im want the sweater :D
Walking on a newspaper
Im know you been tired about my Prada obsession. But im can't see them.
Bigger high pants. handbag.
My mom is thinking about buy to me them. Why they are so expensive? aren't just an shoes, they are PRADA momy :)

Love this videos im sorry for this

this is so cute so fast so PRADA kill me

3 comentarios:

Violet E. dijo...

amazing post!
love you so much <3

Someone dijo...

Like seriously who is not obsessed of Prada's shoes!!! ;D I love your blog so much!

Unknown dijo...

sweet belt!

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