miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012


Im wearing
-Vintage sweater-
-Levi's jeans-
-Vintage hat-
-Converse shoes-


jueves, 19 de abril de 2012

Ursina gysi, Style girl

I think she has the best pants in the all world.

(Via J&J and style.com)

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012


Im wearing

-Vintage coat-

-Vintage sweater-

-Levi's jeans-

-Topman shoes-

-Hermes Belt-

-Alexander wang bag-
Things that I need NOW :) Celine obsession

1: Celine blue clutch

2: Celine Tote

3: Celine t.shirt

4: Celine Bicolor clutch

5: Celine red trio

Today is a happy day for my My best friend from Singapore is getting married today :) I couldn't be more happy for her. She deserves everything for her life and his boy too. Im so PROUD of her and Im not there now but my mind is always with you my love! The best wishes in your new way of life. Soon we'll be together and having fun in Ion orchard, shopping in celine all time long. My sweet heart I love you so much and I have no words for this and you know that. Enjoy your day and be happy as you are. Im here with you Melissa

martes, 3 de abril de 2012


Im wearing

-Vintage sweater-

-Vintage pants-

-Topman shoes-

-Hermes bracelet-

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